Friday, May 25, 2007

The flooding this spring!

Here are some pics of the flooding this spring around Stanfordville. This is the creek at North Anson Rd.

This is one of our members back yards!

Farmer Dave's House

Here are a couple of pictures of the house I designed and am currently building for my family.

Some pics of the next generation of Farmers

Here is my son John, now almost 4, helping to harvest radishes this morning.

and here is my son Ben, now 13 months old, having his first taste of spinach from Sisters Hill!

Here are some pictures of our two new interns Melissa Rosenberg and Andrew Buckwalter harvesting your shares this morning, Friday May 25th. We didn't expect to be harvesting this early but the recent heat wave has caused some of the greens to mature ahead of schedule. Enjoy, and we will see you either Tuesday May 29th or June 2nd.